- Design a story for your brand that will tell your audience who you are and why you are what they need.

- Design a magic look for your brand to make it memorable.

- Design a programmatic strategy to ensure your brand will be in the places your audience will notice it.

- We are a Bangkok-based team of internationally proven branding specialists. We will help you discover what matters to your audience, and how to make your brand outstanding and memorable.

- We harness the power of visual identity, storytelling, branding and design to make memorable brands that will thrive and be seen through omnichannel exposure.

- We partner with SMEs, new entrants, market leaders and challenger brands, bringing unique local and international experience.

Joey Aung - Founder, Branding Design Guru and Creative Leader

Joey has decades of building brands through logo design and applications that have proven track records of stirring new interest. Joey founded Spikebrand after decades of experience around the world in branding design. Beginning his career in Melbourne, one of his first successes was winning a national competition for designs for the Sydney Olympics and then working in the USA, Hong Kong and now in Thailand for over 20 years.

Joey is recognized internationally as a designer, illustrator, and calligrapher. He has featured as a judge in an Asia Region television competition for design. Before establishing Spikebrand, Joey held senior positions with Girvin (Seattle), Envision (Hong Kong), McCann, Ogilvy and most recently as Managing Director of Design Direct, a sister company of Ogilvy. He has led brand design work for Starbucks, Wells Fargo Bank, Boeing, Microsoft, Caltex, Nissan, Optus telecom, Krungsri Bank, Orange telecom, Thai Life Insurance, GE Bank, KFC, Coke, Unilever, Nestlé and many others.

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Dave McCaughan - Brand Strategist & Storyteller

Dave has over 35 years’ experience across the Asia Pacific region helping brands understand what people want and how to build a story that will appeal. He is our chief architect of strategy and brings his unique and valuable experience of understanding the unmet needs and motivations among the people you want as your consumers.

Dave spent over 25 years with McCann, based in Sydney, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Tokyo, mostly in the role of director of strategy planning for the Asia region. He developed the McCann PULSE program into a global platform for understanding people and gaining insights into consumer behavior. He is a regional leader in the market research industry, founding the Thailand Market Research Society and speaking at over 600 conferences and events. He has helped develop marketing and communication strategies across Asia for Coca-Cola, Nescafé, L’Oréal, MasterCard, Cathay Pacific and many others.

Paul Spencer - Head of Media Performance

Paul has a quarter-century of bringing new ideas to the Thailand media market. He now ensures that brands build communication plans that will maximize interaction and attention.


Paul is the expert in effective media strategy in Thailand. Having worked in lead positions for WPP, Omnicom and Starcom, he brings a deep understanding of Thai consumers’ media behavior and the use of digital media tools in building brand communication plans that maximize engagement and performance. Paul leads media performance solutions for Spikebrand with the use of leading-edge technologies to ensure engagement and media performance through adtech and optimization tools.